There has been a constant battle in the food industry in Lahore to overcome the challenges coming with the Covid-19 pandemic. There are new updates for manufacturers, food and beverage authorities, and retailers to ensure better food quality to protect against exposure to the virus. In fact, at a global level, there are many updates in the food industry.
With more than 50,000 restaurants all over Lahore, and this means that the food industry will need ways of monitoring various outlets to ensure compliance with the industry standards to control the spread of COVID-19. Over the past several months, with everything at a literal standstill, there has been a lot of economic loss in this industry. It is a relief to see eateries and restaurants resurge after the lockdown has ended. Let us hope that the food industry maintains high standards to prevent the spread of the virus.
However, with the ease of the sanctions due to the COVID-19 prevention protocols, things are getting busy and there are genuine health, hygiene, and safety concerns. To combat this challenge, most restaurants and food outlets are turning to the use of an ERP system in Lahore.
Applications of ERP Systems in the Food Industry of Lahore
Here is a list of features and their applications that are facilitating the food industry in Lahore to maintain high standards in this difficult time.
Human Resources
With the inbuilt HR management and self-service application feature, it is easier for users to hire and manage their team members. Even if there are multiple franchises of the restaurant or eatery across the city, this system centralizes the entire process. This makes managing the entire team very easy and convenient.
Financial Management
There is no doubt that managing the accounts and auditing the reports can be tedious. Keeping track of invoices, issuing stock orders, and maintaining documentation can be difficult manually. With an ERP system, everything is automated and centralized. This offers a lot of convenience in times like COVID-19. With the issue of maintaining social distancing, the fewer the staff that are exposed to the risk of the virus the better. With a digitalized system, maintaining and reporting real-time finances has become very easy.
With an ERP system, setting up processes that make manufacturing seamless and automatic is possible. GluonERP helps make the entire process of manufacturing automatic based on the parameters set, and customized according to the needs of the food manufacturer.
Customer satisfaction is the key to success in every business industry. Likewise, in the food industry, using a tool or platform that enables Customer Relations Management without too many efforts is a blessing. With a proper ERP system, you can improve and manage the manufacture of food products in compliance with the best practices to ensure standards that prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Sales Management
In the food industry, one major challenge every food manufacturing plant, restaurant, or club in Lahore faces is accountability. With so many activities going on, tracking and ensuring proper documentation of dales has never been easier. With an ERP system, the process of issuing and documenting invoices to ensure proper financial report management has become very easy and straightforward. Moreover, it is easy to export the sales reports and share across the entire chain of outlets whenever required. This ensures transparency and accountability in the best possible way.
Purchase & Inventory
The use of an ERP system in Lahore has made a positive impact on procurement and import (when applicable). Acquiring the necessary equipment and crockery for the management of the different processes in the food industry has become digitalized and easy to maintain. With real-time data at hand, business owners can make the right decisions and investments to improve and sustain their food businesses.
There has been a lot of problem across the retailers and sellers of different equipment and ingredients in the food industry. Tracking every activity can prove to be almost impossible tasks in larger food industries that process and manufacture food items. However, with an ERP system, no matter how large or small a food business or company may be, managing data on purchases has become relatively easier.
Every food manufacturing company or restaurant requires a robust POS that ensures accountability. The GluonERP system is customizable and easy to use. It has a customizable infrastructure that enables using it in both small and large food companies or even restaurants across Lahore. Depending on the structure, the team of professionals can help set up and customize it for better records and accounts management.
Food companies that specialize in imports are making the most of using an ERP system in Lahore. The software allows automatic placement of orders and managing billing and payments. It makes tracking imports and stocks very easy.
If you have any questions and concerns, you can always contact the team.