How Gluon Cloud HR ERP Meets LÄTT LIV’s Unique Needs ?
LÄTT LIV is a renowned name in the lifestyle retail industry, spreading across Asia. It is a strong competitor for similar brands like Miniso, Minigood, Adour, etc. This Swedish company has more than 350 stores in numerous localities of China and it plans to add more franchises to its list this year.
LÄTT LIV is a joint venture partnering with Indus Bridge Capital and Amalfi to make this brand accessible to the people of Pakistan. It is one of the fastest-growing retail stores worldwide. With a population of roughly 216M Pakistan proves to be a resourceful market. Presently there are eight stores in Pakistan. There are plans to open eight more in Pakistan, plans are underway.
The headquarter is in China, and in Pakistan, the overall reporting office is in Lahore. The regional office is in Karachi. Presently there are seven operational stores in Pakistan, some are in Karachi, Sialkot, Islamabad, Lahore, and other cities.
LÄTT LIV has been able to tap into the emerging market for the lifestyle products it sells. It is ready and actively working to siphon the emerging markets of other continents like the Middle East, Levant, and Africa in the future. Although LÄTT LIV products seem pricey in comparison, the quality of its items stands out and is the reason for its quick success.
Here is the complete case described to us by HR Manager of LATT LIV Pakistan :
Why did LÄTT LIV Choose Gluon Cloud HR ERP ?
LÄTT LIV has a workforce of 120 people in Pakistan (presently) and with increasing outlets, our workforce is constantly increasing. We needed an effective and customizable software that would centralize and align all the data coming from all our offices and stores worldwide. Reporting to higher management was proving quite a challenge.
One major difficulty was tracking and sorting leaves and payroll management. We had to fill the proforma forms manually and generate reports, which was quite a hectic process. There were subsequent risks to the privacy of our staff members.
Likewise, our HR department was facing a lot of challenges to manage different aspects of HR management. Owing to our fast growth, things were proving very difficult to manage with accurate data.
What is your experience with Gluon Cloud HR ERP ?
After we implemented this Human Resource ERP system, our management staff at LÄTT LIV finds it easier to handle different aspects of administration. Now there is a systematic flow of everything. Reporting has become very easy and convenient. We have a one-page systematic representation of all the necessary data we need daily. We collect and process data coming from different branches nationwide without any hassle and in real-time. This means that the LÄTT LIV management can make good and informed business decisions at any time.
It has made things relatively easy for the HR team. We are still in the process of setting things up in the ERP system. Nonetheless, with the manual data entry in process, we have managed to achieve a lot with regards to centralized information in a short time. We started using Gluon ERP Cloud HR in January and already are making headway with Payroll management. We are yet to explore the true potential of the HR management aspect, but so far, it has proven very useful to LÄTT LIV.
For now, some aspects of Gluon Cloud HR ERP that are working very well in the HR and recruitment department include the privacy of our workforce, leaves management, employee records management, and performance evaluation. We are also making progress with handling leaves and loans taken by our staff. Now there is better reporting and tracking of these details.
In terms of reporting, Gluon ERP Cloud HR has made it easier for us to report to our head office in China. Our report typically requires data on payroll, workforce and recruitment, store levels, stock reports, commissions reports, and disciplinary actions taken.
On the Scale of 1-10, How Would You Rate Gluon Cloud HR ?
Based on our experience at LÄTT LIV, Gluon ERP Cloud HR deserves the following scores:
- The ERP System = 8 (based on features and effectiveness)
- Customer Support = 9 (The entire team and every representative of Gluon ERP Cloud HR has been very friendly, cordial, and professional)
- Relationship Building = 8.5 (The management has proven very good and cooperative)
What Motivated LÄTT LIV to Use Gluon ERP Cloud HR ?
When the representatives of Gluon ERP Cloud HR approached LÄTT LIV, we had other options lined up for consideration, however, what motivated us to try this new and still developing ERP system was that it was cost-effective, the representatives were very helpful and made quite an impression. They had excellent communication skills which were very helpful in building a good relationship with the team. Most importantly, customer support and satisfaction were very impressive from the start.
How would you describe the situation since implementing Gluon ERP Cloud HR ?
The situation now is very much better than before, and things keep getting better as we add more data to the HR ERP system manually. In the beginning, manual data entry is mandatory, and customization for proper reporting. Once we have everything set, we are optimistic about using this software, and we are certain that Gluon Cloud HR ERP will prove a worthwhile investment for LÄTT LIV.
We are already experiencing some returns on the investment we made in this HR ERP system. It is quite evident in our Payroll system. We appreciate the flexibility and ease of integration it offers. Generally, our team that uses this software gives good feedback. We are looking forward to continuing its usage and intend to expand its use in all our LÄTT LIV franchises globally.