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employee friendly erp system and its benefits
InBlogsBusiness communicationCloud ERPDigitalGluonWorkplace management
Importance of Employee Friendly ERP Systems Usually, ERP systems are easy to use for everyone. Let us look at how an ERP system benefits employees. Once we can appreciate the benefits, we will understand the importance of employee-friendly ERP software. Enterprise Resource Planning systems or ERP systems are increasingly becoming common in companies all over…
b2b erp VS b2c erp
InBlogsCloud ERPManagement
B2B ERP vs B2C ERP If you did not know this before, know it now – there are two forms of ERP. One is for B2B (Business-to-Business) purposes, and the other is for B2C (Business to Customer) purposes. First, let us look at what B2B means and what B2C means. Only then, we can understand…
business intelligence
InBlogsBusiness communicationDigitalTechnology
How ERP Makes Your Business Intelligent Business Intelligence or BI means converting raw data into meaningful information, which reflects details like metrics, current, and predictable business performances or operations. In the past, people use manual means to manage business intelligence activities. This involves gathering information from multiple sources and filling up spreadsheets to generate reports….
corporate social responsibility
InBlogsCloud ERPManagementTechnology
How Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Can Benefit from ERP Applications? Before understanding how using GLUONERP system can benefit a Corporate Social Responsibility program, let us understand what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is. Most companies are using CSR platforms to manage charity programs. This is because CSR software have special features and capabilities that facilitate the…
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