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Many companies are considering the option to buy an ERP system to navigate their workforce in light of the recent crisis. Throughout this year (so far), workers all over the world have come to face a new reality. They have to work from home, which is a challenge in many ways.

The future is unpredictable due to COVID-19, and things have generally changed. For some companies that had been using virtual assistants and remote workforce, the adaptation has been relatively smooth. However, some companies have had to face some serious challenges. However, to ensure the safety of workers and customers, turning to online work and finding ways of managing things better requires using options like an ERP system.

It allows business owners to keep things streamlined, and keep workers accountable and focused to ensure productivity with efficiency. At the same time, it makes tracking activities of customers like, deliveries and payments in check and easy to manage remotely. Using a system like GluonERP in Lahore has given business owners with challenges like ensuring the safety of their workforce, and managing customers without having to come face-to-face. It helps keep pace with the global rising trend of working remotely without compromising or risking priority projects.

Why Buy ERP Software to Navigate the workforce?

Using an ERP system like GluonERP for businesses in Lahore also makes things so much easier for the HR department as well. They can manage payrolls, time checks, hire, and maintain workflow without much hassle. Before you buy ERP system from us, here are some features our ERP system promises are:

Promise to Help

As the economic conditions deteriorate customers and others are also suffering in the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of our customers found guidance and assistance through discussions with our customer support. So we managed to help them plan their workforce and workflow better.

Although some may have had to lay off people in financial crisis, the loss of workforce has led to critical issues. To combat those issues, we helped them streamline and automate many processes. Using our system required training the remaining workforce and ensuring a smooth transition. We helped them prepare for it and adapt to it as well through remote meetings.

What to Navigate During Covid-19 Crisis?

When you buy ERP software, here are a few things you can monitor in your team during the Covid-19 crisis.

  • Employee Safety – There must be minimal mental and physical stress. To ensure this, the ERP system must offer smooth operations, transparency, accountability, and ease of communication.
  • Optimal Productivity – The ERP system must allow managers and employees to coordinate easily and make sure productivity is optimal even while working remotely.
  • Connectivity and Systematic Approach – The entire workforce must be able to connect, share feedback, and maintain a healthy work culture remotely. The ERP system must offer a good option for connectivity and align the employees’ different activities.
  • Growth – Employees must be motivated to grow professionally, and facilitate the growth of others on the team.

With all these requirements in mind, you can be sure that we, GluonERP are here to help. For more questions and concerns before you buy an ERP system, feel free to reach out to us. We are a call away and can manage a remote meeting to make sure we help you, despite the Covid-19 crisis.


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